
Discover our range of Mum and Baby fitness classes available for purchase. Check out our timetable to see class availability and start your fitness journey with us!



10.00am Mama Bootcamp


6.30pm Strong Mama

7.45pm Fitness Pilates 


7.00am Wake Up Live (zoom)


7.00am Wake Up Live (zoom)



6.15pm Mama Bootcamp



10am Buggy Beat

Welcome to Fitness Beyond the Bump Webshop

Explore our range of Mum and baby fitness classes and start your fitness journey today!

Book Classes

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

* Payment must be made at the time of booking via bank transfer and within 24 hours of booking

. Failure to pay will result in your booking being cancelled.

* If you are unable to attend a live class access will be given an option to catch up or attend another class . No Refunds will be offered.

* If Fitness Beyond the Bump cancel a class due to unforeseen circumstances a credit will be given or availability to do a catch up session  .

* All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children are the parent/carers responsibility.

* Fitness Beyond the Bump are not responsible for any lost/damaged or stolen items.

* All adults participating in classes are required to complete the Health Questionnaire prior to commencing exercise.

The link to the booking form and health questionnaires for you to complete is below



* General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) - Fitness Beyond the Bump will only use your data to contact you about classes and we never pass to a third party.

* If a lockdown occurs no refunds will be issued and classes will be moved to online or outdoors dependent on guidelines

* Please bring your own mat to class, a blanket/mat for baby and toys for them to play with if necessary.. Please bring you own drink.